In her new works, Janja Kosi focuses on the multilayered experience of a particular place. With her solo exhibition Lepidoterarium, she transforms the urban environment into a spatial image. While walking through urban spaces, she seeks new perspectives, observes changes, and creates photographic images of architecture, which she takes out of context in order to weave them into the web of her inner urban image. In this way, she perceives them as an aesthetic objects that can become part of a new structure. The collection of architectural fragments, which the artist exhibits in new compositions, is reminiscent of the process of collecting butterflies and displaying them in so-called butterfly houses, as the title of the exhibition suggests.
Curated by Irena Borić
Gallery: artKIT - KIBLA, Maribor
Photo: Janez Klenovšek, KID KIBLA.

Lepidopterist I, II, III, photo collage printed on foil, 21x30cm.

Installation view.

Installation view.

District I, paper, spray, foam, 80x80cm.

District VIa and District VIb, paper, spray, foam, 40x80cm.

District Va and District Vb, paper, spray, foam, 40x40cm.

Installation view.

Installation view.

x+y+z, foam, acrylic, different sizes.