Im Jacuzzi mit 100 Allerbesten Freunden
Presented work was part of a group exhibition Daddy, that took place in G2 - Project room in Leipzig.
“Colourful is attractive. Colourful is convincing. More. More. More. Ups, to much! But we do not notice that anymore. We live in a world of Neon and Pastel-Ikea colours. Pastel is fresh, nice, trustful. Neon is new and old at the same time. Neon and pastel at the same time? It is becoming more and more grey. Again, we fall into emptiness. We are losing orientation in this full blankness, that we create. It is like in Jacuzzi with 100 best friends. We are drowning in illusional comfort and enjoy the anxiety of possibilities. Rather than places we visit non-places. There, we do not need to decide. We can be choosing and choosing and choosing… at least as the opening hours allows us. Then we dream. Even if decided already we dream some more. We dream about possibilities, that we did not choose, those that we couldn’t afford and about those that will come. “

Installation view, photo by
Detail, photo by