Artwork “What if” was part of a group show ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS which coincides with 6th anniversary of Dobra Vaga Gallery and was organized in collaboration with Plečnik’s house in Ljubljana.
The introductory text explains the concept of the exhibition as follows:
The title “Rock, paper, scissors” speaks of the playful connection between architectural world that surrounds us and many artistic expressions of the authors who contemplate and depict it. They approach the exhibition's content with their primary media and are linked by the final collection of graphics that center the process. In doing so, the artists tread the path of understanding the world that has been left to us, and try to see and visualize the eyes of the present.
To sum up, the main theme of the exhibition has been the question about architectural heritage and our ever-changing relation to it. The exhibition also coincides with 150th anniversary of birth of architect Jože Plečnik and so the reference to his work seems as a logical decision in the process of creating the artwork.
My focus was on Plečnik’s unrealized architectural projects. Those were project that, due to different reasons, already stopped at their first steps, at blueprints, which have, except maybe few architectural models, no material conclusion. I was looking for a way to show the fragility and elusiveness of ideas and the never-ending question “What if…?”.
Curators: Ajda Ana Kocutar, Lara Mejač
Printing of the graphics: Urška Alič

What if, silkscreen, 42x60cm, 2022.

What if, paper, bamboo sticks, clay, print on transparent foil, approximately 50x50x30cm, 2022.